Welcome to The Brazen Blog!

Some may have it buried deep within themselves while others wear it proudly on their sleeve, but we all have a bit of BRAZEN inside.

We wanted to create a place where we can not only share our thoughts on bras, lingerie and fashion, but poetry, movies, music and whatever fits the mood at the moment! People are like diamonds. They're multifaceted with different tastes and interests; and so are we! We wanted to celebrate that! 

All is welcome in our boutique...and our blog! No one is too small or too big, nor are they bound by society’s labels. We aim to make every person that visits us leave with a bit more warmth in their hearts and a large dose of confidence!  

We believe that a lingerie boutique is a special place where the intimate can be discussed with expertise, without judgment, where boundaries are defined or expanded, where illusion becomes reality, and where playfulness comes alive!

We hope you join us here. 

If you have any ideas about posts...let us know!
Questions about bras and fitting? Send us a message and we'll write up some content!

This should be fun!
XOXO-The Brazen Girls!


  1. Good Luck on your new endeavor. If you are just doing internet, please consider both Rago and Avaina who both make a great showing on line
    Rich Leavy RGLeavy@AOL.com


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