Our Interview with Parfait Lingerie! (PART ONE)
Parfait is a brand our store loves to carry and customers love to wear! Their blog is full of fun stories and interviews like the one below; and inspired us to start a blog of our own! Last summer we were lucky enough to be featured, and we're so excited to share that interview with you in 4 parts.

Image via Brazen Bras

Image via Brazen Bras
Parfait Team: What inspired you to start a business?
Christine Longette: It’s kind of a funny story. A few years back I had been frustrated at my job where my boss haphazardly decided to close the office over the holidays and leave all the staff without pay for 2 weeks. During that 2 weeks, my one and only bra that really fit somehow disappeared. In looking around for a store near my home that sold my size (34G) I found that there weren’t any unless I drove over 30 minutes away. So… I guess I was inspired by my own need, and knew that couldn’t be the only woman in my area who wears a hard to find size.Parfait: What about the lingerie industry interested you?
Christine: My first experience with anything business related in the lingerie industry was when I attended my first CurvExpo Show in NY. Once there, I was hungry to learn all I could about what was available and what might work in getting my business off the ground. I sat in countless booths during the 2 days I attended and learned from so many different sources. The most interesting aspect of the whole thing was how helpful and community-like it felt. I even spoke with other boutique owners and they were so helpful. The feeling I got, and still have, is that we’re not competitors – we’re all in this together.
Image via Brazen Bras
Parfait: What do you enjoy most about working with your daughter, Angela Longette?
Christine: We have so much fun at work. We seem to complete each other’s thoughts most of the time, and other times we balance each other out. We get a lot of mother/daughter shoppers and it’s always fun to work with them. Funny thing is many times she ends up working with the mom as I work with the daughter.Parfait: Your store is located in Freehold, NJ. How did you decide on the location?
Christine: I’ve lived in Freehold for the past 28 years. When I realized there were no specialty lingerie boutiques in the area, I knew it was time to open one.Parfait: Tell us about your store name. What inspired the name Brazen Bras?
Christine: I had been throwing ideas around but nothing seemed to stick and then, believe it or not, I just woke up with the name in my head one morning, along with the logo idea. I wanted my shop to empower women. Essentially what we sell is confidence. The bras are just a means to an end.
Image via Brazen Bras
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